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South Wigston High School

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Learning without Limits Academy Trust


Anti-Bullying Leaflets

The following leaflets/guides have been created in partnership with Leicestershire County Council to offer advice and support to parents.

Bullying in our community


Anti-Bullying Policy

 Our Statement

South Wigston High School takes any form of bullying seriously and we take a zero-tolerance approach to this issue. 

Please be assured that, when notified, we will act swiftly to identify the issue and take necessary steps in line with out Anti-Bullying Policy. 

We adopt the STOP acronym when identifying bullying: 

  • Several
  • Times 
  • On
  • Purpose

We advise parents/carers to: 

  • Listen to their child
  • Talk to their child
  • Contact your child's Head of year so that they can support 

At SWHS we will:

  • Listen carefully to any complaint about bullying, reassure the student and offer support.
  • Provide emotional and well-being support for both the victim and the perpetrator.
  • Gather information by speaking to the perpetrator and any other students who are involved.
  • Ensure parents/carers are kept informed about the concern and action taken, as appropriate and in line with child protection and confidentiality policies.
  • Try to resolve issues using restorative approaches where possible and also remind students of the Academy’s values framework.
  • Where the bullying of, or by students takes place off-site or outside of normal school hours (including cyberbullying), ensure that the concern is fully investigated. Appropriate action will be taken, including providing support and implementing sanctions in accordance with this policy.
  • Refer a student for counselling and/or to the mental health team for further support.
  • Record all incidents of bullying and the actions taken to resolve the issue using our Child Protection Online Management System (CPOMS), including communication with parents/carers as appropriate and details of all the students.
  • Ensure that all students have access to student friendly advice on how to manage bullying behaviour at the Academy where needed. This may include counselling, and the involvement of supportive outside agencies such as CAHMS.
  • Involve external agencies e.g., Police, and Children’s Social Care if appropriate.

 Hear to Help

Students that need to talk but don't feel able to speak to an adult can use one of the 7 'Hear to Help' boxes situated around the academy. 

These are checked daily by a member of the Safeguarding/Pastoral Team. 



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