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Learning without Limits Academy Trust

Become an Ambassador at South Wigston

Join our Student Improvement Group (SIG)


  • To represent the views of all students.
  • To provide opportunities for students to voice their opinions and to influence the way the school is managed.
  • To enable students to develop confidence and empower them to become active citizens.
  • To respond to issues raised as soon as possible, but no later than the next meeting.


  • The Student Council shall discuss issues raised by members representing all students.
  • The Student Council comprises of representatives from each tutor group.
  • It is the responsibility of the form representative to ensure that they represent the views of their tutor group/year group and are given the opportunity to comment on agenda items in advance.
  • All student representatives shall be expected to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to their position on the Student Council.


The Student Council consists of a student representative from each tutor group, Student Leaders and Pastoral Team Leaders. 


  • All students shall be entitled to stand for election as a student representative.
  • Tutor groups shall formally elect their student representative. 
  • Student leaders apply for their job and are interviewed by the Head Teacher.


  • The Student Council is split into sub-committees. These are: LGBT+ and diversity, Environment/Climate change and Community, Extra Curricular, Behaviour and Rewards. 
  • These sub-committees allow students to be involved in the wider aspects of school life. 


The Student Council shall meet on a termly basis at a designated time and place.

Student Council covers a range of different things within school, such as:

  • Remembrance
  • Inspire Future Students
  • Decisions about school and school life
  • Behaviour and Rewards
  • Council Meetings
  • Charities
  • Prom 
  • Year Book

They then provide feedback to staff, students and parents via assemblies and the school newsletter. This will take the formant of the 'You asked, we did' slogan. 


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